The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has released its newest Issue of the “WIPO Magazine”. The Coverstory of the June-Publication is “The artist’s resale right”, also reporting about the newest findings at the Global Innovation Index 2017. Read more about the WIPO Magazine June 2017 here:
Coverstory: The artist’s resale right: a fair deal for visual artists
“Artists do not live on thin air.” This simple statement by the late internationally acclaimed Senegalese sculptor Ousmane Sow is a stark reminder of the importance of the resale right for visual artists around the world.
Since 2014, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) and others have been actively campaigning to push the issue of the artist’s resale right up the international copyright agenda, calling for reform of the law so that visual artists benefit each time their work is resold.
Unlike novelists and musicians, visual artists such as painters and sculptors do not directly benefit from downstream payments when their works change hands in global markets and do not generate significant income from the reproduction and communication rights provided to other creators under copyright law.
The artist’s resale right seeks to correct this imbalance by ensuring that artists receive a small percentage of the sale price of a work when it is resold. Just as the art market has become global, proponents argue, so the artist’s resale right should be global.
Although the right is recognized in the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Article 14ter), which sets minimum international copyright standards, it is optional. And while around 80 countries recognize the right, many others, including major art markets like the United States and China, do not.
WIPO Magazine June 2017: Table of Content
- The artist’s resale right: a fair deal for visual artists
- Leveraging Malawi’s creative talent
- Innovation: history’s great free lunch
- Global Innovation Index 2017: Innovation feeding the world
- Kenyans turn to drought-tolerant maize variety to fight poverty
- The informal economy in developing nations: a hidden engine of growth
- Supporting innovation in next-generation medicines
- Yoga and copyright
About the WIPO Magazine
WIPO Magazine is published bimonthly and distributed free of charge by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, Switzerland. It is intended to help broaden public understanding of intellectual property and of WIPO’s work, and is not an official document of WIPO.
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