We advise you on patents, designs, trademarks as well as copyright law
No matter if you plan a patent or trademark application in the near future, or if you have questions about protecting designs or about copyright law – An individual, professional consultation protects you from making dangerous mistakes and helps you find your way through the masses of relevant information.
Among other things, we advise you on the following questions:
- Is my invention really a novelty? Where and how can I find this out?
- Which property right protects my innovation? Which form of application will be most effective for my company?
- What can I do if someone is infringing my company’s patent or my trademark? How can I best enforce my rights?
- Is the photo or video, which I used on my blog or on Facebook, really infringing the copyright? What should I do now?
Any information gap can have disastrous consequences
When you apply for a patent or plan the application of a trademark, and ignore existing, already registered property rights, this can endanger the whole project. You might lose revenue and even get warned for infringing other peoples’ IP. In the worst case you’ll find yourself in a trial at court, which can harm your company’s image considerably. Do you want to put your company at risk because of a negligence or even an accidental slip?
Avoid these bad consequences and visit a patent law firm to help you with your challenges and individual problems.
Even if you have a problem concerning copyright – e.g. if someone used your creative work without your permission or if you have to deal with a warning letter – an attorney specialized on IP is definitely the right person to talk to.
We provide you with a highly qualified lawyer or patent attorney
Our patent attorneys are experts in the fields of Engeering, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Chemical Technology / Process Engineering, Pharmacy, Polymer Chemistry and Software / IT.
Additionally, we offer counselling on all matters of trademark and design law.