Apply for the DesignEurope Awards 2016 with your Registered Community Design (RCD). But hurry up – the deadline for applications and nominations is 15th July!
The DesignEuropa Awards celebrate excellence in design and design management among RCD holders, whether they are individual right holders, small businesses or large enterprises.
Design is a key driver of innovation and growth. Design-intensive industries generate 12% of all jobs in the European Union and almost 13% of its GDP. Companies that own designs have revenue that is 31% higher per employee than firms that do not.
The RCD is more than just an intellectual property right. It marks the jump from drawing board to production-ready, from idea to business asset. Since the creation of the RCD in 2003, EUIPO has received nearly a million designs. This award seeks to recognise companies and designers that have brought outstanding design to the market with the protection of the Registered Community Design.
How to apply
The DesignEuropa Awards are geared towards firms and/or individuals that have, and successfully use, RCDs. The Awards focus on the Registered Community Design itself. All designs submitted must be valid RCDs at the time of sending the application, with no pending invalidity proceedings. Finalist designs must retain their validity throughout the selection and award period. Entries may be submitted either on the candidate’s own initiative, at the behest of the Awards’ promoters or by any other person, entity or institution that wishes to propose a candidate.
- Industry Award & Small and Emerging Company Award – Application form to apply
- Industry Award & Small and Emerging Company Award – Application form to nominate
- Lifetime Achievement Award – Application form to nominate
- Rules of the DesignEuropa Awards
The categories
The DesignEuropa Awards celebrate RCDs and those who use them – be they large, established companies or small or emerging businesses – to protect and maximise their business assets. The Awards also recognise the powerful effect that talented individual designers can have on the industry as a whole, as they shape the world around us with their vision and creativity. The DesignEuropa Awards categories are:
- The Industry Award
- The Small and Emerging Companies Award
- The Lifetime Achievement Award
The Awards
EUIPO is proud to announce that the first edition of the DesignEuropa Awards will take place in Milan, Italy, on November 30, 2016. Milan is one of the world’s great design cities, with a rich creative history and a global reputation for innovation.
Four finalists will be chosen by the jury in both the Industry and Small and Emerging Companies categories, after the entry period for the Awards closes on July 15, 2016.
The names of the finalists will be announced on October 15, 2016, through EUIPO’s website and its social media channels, and will be included in official Awards publications. The winners will be announced at the ceremony in Milan, along with the winner of the Lifetime Achievement award.
All category winners will receive a specially commissioned DesignEuropa Awards trophy, and will be featured in press and promotional material after the ceremony. EUIPO will cover the travel and accommodation costs of the finalists.
The Jury
Jury members are drawn from the fields of design, business and intellectual property rights. They are all recognised leaders in their respective areas of specialisation, and bring a wealth of expertise gained over the course of their professional careers.
The judges will base their selection of entries on:
- Aesthetic value and visual appeal of the submitted designs
- The submitted designs’ demonstrable impact in the market
- Sound marketing and management of design and other intellectual property rights.
You will find all informations about the DesignEurope Award at
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